Google always comes up with products to make our lives easy. There are 100s of google products and some are very less known. Here I sorted out 4 (Why not 5 or 10, I am short at time) Google products that are less known but extremely useful.

Google takeout:

Every one of else uses Google products every day and a lot of data most of personal is stored in these products. Google allows us to takeout our data out of Google Empire, yes! This is why it is named Google takeout.
Product url:

Google Mars:

Google earth is known to every one who uses internet, but Google mars? Yes! Google is not a step behind NASA. Google mars lets you explore Mars.
Product url:

Google health:

This service was meant to be one stop portal for all your health and wellness info. This services did not got much attention and Google is officially closing it tomorrow, 1st January 2013.
Product url:

Google SketchUP

If you love drawing and you love Google, this extremely useful product must have caught your attention. For every one else it allows you to create any thing 3D, from a skyscraper to a table. This is very popular among a small group of people who love sketches. You can visit there community here.
Product URL: